Jan 20, 2014


Go to this link to watch some funny commercials while practising your English with activities.

(I've added this blog to the Websites of Interests)

Jan 6, 2014

Time management


Read the article to pick up some useful tips on time management.


Maybe you can use the information provided as a New Year Resolution? ;)

TIME: Sayings, quotes and proverbs

Read the following proverbs, which are related to TIME.
  • The early bird catches the worm
  • A stitch in time saves nine
  • Make hay while the sun shines
  • When the cat's away the mice will play
  • It's no use crying over spilt milk
  • You can't teach an old dog new tricks
  • Don't count your chicken before they're hatched
  • A watched pot never boils
  • We'll cross that bridge when we come to it
  • Strike while the iron is hot  
What do you think they mean? Are there any similar proverbs in Spanish?
Read some quotes about time HERE.

More Idioms and collocations

Practise with a Crossword

Modals of Probability, Speculation and Deduction

Writing letters

You may have forgotten how to begin and end letters... Here you have some basic rules for you to remember:

1. If you know the name of the person you're writng to, begin Dear + title + surname. If not, begin Dear Sir or Dear Madam.

2. Finish your letter with Yours sincerely if you know the person's name, and Yours faithfully if you don't.

3. If you are writing a letter rather than an email, print your name underneath your signature.

Monty Python's Job Interview

A British Comedy Classic!

Career advice

Visit MONSTER, a career advice website, to practise your reading and learn more about the topic of WORK.

Answer the interview questions HERE. Then click on the question to launch a video with advice from recruitment experts. How well did you do?

Finally HERE you have some listening and vocabulary exercises on how to prepare a job interview.